Posted on April 22, 2021

Faculty Service Awards
Dr. Rebecca G. Adams

Gladys Strawn Bullard Award
Dr. Rebecca G. Adams, Professor, Gerontology Program, Department of Social Work

“One of the great things about UNCG is that it supports service, and it’s possible to make a difference,” Dr. Adams says. “My advice to faculty who want to get involved in serving UNCG is to think about what passions they have that will sustain them, and to find ways of integrating their research and teaching with their service.”

“The most rewarding thing about serving UNCG has been watching it change, as many committed faculty, staff, students, and alumni have worked on making it a more diverse, a more inclusive, and more accessible place.”

Adams is the faculty recipient of the Gladys Strawn Bullard Award, which is given to those who show commendable initiative and perseverance in their leadership and service roles, including those who quietly guide “the few”, as well as those who are more conspicuous and develop creative ideas and programs that advance the University, and whose contributions have significantly promoted the purposes of the University to provide an environment which encourages and nurtures the development of people.

Adams has been successful in establishing GROWTH (Gerontology Research, Outreach, Workforce development, and Teaching Hub), which works to bring together people from UNCG and Guilford County who are invested in making aging-friendly communities the norm.

In addition to being the Gerontology Undergraduate Coordinator, Adams has chaired the Interdepartmental Studies Gerontology Program (1984-93), chaired College Council (1988-89), was Secretary of the Faculty Senate (1996-97), served as Assistant to the Dean of Continual Learning (1999-2000), was faculty coordinator for UNCG’s SACS accreditation reaffirmation (2000-2003), served as Interim Assistant Vice Chancellor for Information Technology and Planning (2004-2005), chaired the Faculty Senate (2008-2009), oversaw the development of the UNCG Strategic Plan 2009-2014, directed the Gerontology Master’s Program 2013-2017, and coordinated the Another Year of the Dead events (2018-2019).  

Dr. Andrea Hunter, professor in the Department of Human Development and Family Studies, and Chancellor’s Fellow for Campus Climate, says of Adams:

“Dr. Adams’ leadership is a critical part of the continued growth of shared governance on our campus, and she has been an important voice in our progressive evolution in areas of equity, diversity, and inclusion.”

Dr. Justin Harmon, assistant professor of Community and Therapeutic Recreation in the School of Health & Human Sciences, says of Adams:

“From my first encounter with Dr. Adams, when I was trying to figure out what I wanted to know, through today, where I’m certain about what it is I’m after in my scholarship, she has evidenced true leadership and service, not just broadly applied across the University and her field, but to the community – of yesterday, today, and the future.”

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