Posted on September 11, 2023

The UNCG Gerontology Research, Outreach, Workforce (development), and Teaching Hub (GROWTH)

  • GROWTH’s mission is to encourage interdisciplinary and community-engaged research, teaching, and service focused on aging and older adults.
  • All UNCG faculty, staff, students, alumni, and community partners are invited to participate in GROWTH-sponsored events (Please email GROWTH ([email protected]) if you would like to be added to the invitation distribution list).
  • The Hub is coordinated by a group of UNCG faculty, known as the UNCG GROWTH Faculty Executive Advisory Committee:
    • Rebecca Adams, Gerontology (Coordinator)
    • Chantelle Caro, Gerontology
    • Laurie Kennedy-Malone, Nursing
    • Noah Lenstra, Library & Information Sciences
    • Jaclyn Maher, Kinesiology
    • Rachel Olsen, The University Libraries
  • Some of the UNCG faculty who participate in GROWTH events also serve as UNCG Gerontology Faculty Affiliates, faculty with expertise in aging who have agreed to be available to provide guidance to UNCG undergraduate and graduate students who share their interests. Some faculty affiliates offer undergraduate or graduate courses in aging-related areas. Please contact Rebecca Adams ([email protected]) if you are a UNCG faculty member who would like to serve as a Gerontology Faculty Affiliate.
  • Some GROWTH events have been recorded and are available on our UNCG GROWTH YouTube channel.
  • Keep in touch by joining our UNCG Gerontology Facebook group.
  • Sponsored by the UNCG Gerontology Program and the Office of Research and Engagement.