Sigma Phi Omega (SPO) is the national academic honor and professional society in gerontology, established in 1980 to recognize the excellence of those who study gerontology/aging and the outstanding service of professionals who work with or on behalf of older persons.

SPO seeks to promote scholarship, professionalism, friendship, and services to older persons, and to recognize exemplary attainment in gerontology/aging studies and related fields.


The goals of SPO are achieved primarily through the activities of local chapters and secondarily through efforts of the national office and officers. Local chapters serve as links within their respective communities to promote interaction between gerontology educators, students, alumni, and local professionals, providing opportunities for personal and professional interaction, sharing concerns, discussion of issues, and service activities.

All UNCG Gerontology students and UNCG Delta Gamma Chapter SPO members are welcome to attend local chapter meetings, a.k.a. the SPO/Gerontology Club!


Inquire about events! Contact Elise Eifert by email at [email protected] or by phone at 336.256.1099.

2017 UNCG Gerontology Students wearing new Gerontology logo shirts
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